First of all apologies for the lack of blog posts recently, work, Christmas, coughs, colds & minor injuries all got in the way!
Anyway-Happy New Year! I hope you all had a lovely Christmas, it was a fairly quiet one for Mr W & I but thoroughly enjoyable, Santa was very good to us too!
My gifts followed three themes this year-rock music, gin & of course food! I can't wait to try some recipes from these three-& yes that is an Elvis cook book! I will let you know how I get on.

After years of umming & aahing I have finally invested in a slow cooker! What was stopping me? I think I just couldn't believe that they can do all the things I had heard about-cynical me!
I've only used it a few times but so far I am very impressed-a whole chicken so tender that the bones just fell out, a delicious stew with melt in the mouth beef & a tasty chilli ready & waiting for when we came home from a hard day at work!
I'm so excited to try more, I'll keep you posted on all my slow cooked adventures!
New Recipes!
Only two but they are good 'uns!
First is my Salmon & Broccoli Pie which I first tested before Christmas. After a couple of tweaks it's ready & I'm really pleased with it. Keep frozen salmon & broccoli in & you can have it anytime!

Next is a heavenly merger of two of my favourite snacks! My Scotch Egg Roll is perfect for lunch, a party or especially (when the weather is warmer!) a picnic!

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